

Sleepy Hollow

Look at this. . .
I love moments like this.
Dad and Miles time. Since Monday night Miles seems to be a new boy. He is sleeping between 5 and 6 hours a night with only one night feeding. . . Yeah. Plus he is taking naps throughout the day. He's a lot more happy and more alert. I'm not too sure what changed, but I am grateful. Thank you everyone for all the suggestions! I immediately went to the library, checked out tons of books, and Miles is now on a strict schedule that seems to be working out for both of us. It's a lot of dedication, but it's worth it. Hopefully this will continue. Thanks again all you moms! Moms just know.


  1. He is so adorable!! I'm so glad you guys are getting a little more sleep. It makes such a difference.

  2. Don't you love that first time you wake up and realize you got more than 2 consecutive hours of sleep? aaahhhh, heaven!

  3. WOOOOHAAA!!!!! I'm so glad he is doing better! I'm going to call you. This is fabulous news.

  4. Oh My goodness! Miles is so sweet! I can't believe you are a mom! I hope you are doing well! Congrats and he is so cute!
