

Thumb Sucker

Oh no. . . look what Miles found.


  1. Crap Andrae--he's joined our club. I was addicted to my thumb--thus braces became a MUST for me. Good times!

  2. I think I remember that you used to suck your thumb a lot as a kid. Your mom used to ask you what flavor it was. Random memory in my brain. When my kids would suck their thumb I would take it out and put a binkie in right away. I trained them to take binkies because I figured I could eventually take that away. You can't take their thumb away. He is such a cutie.

  3. Brayden randomly sucked his thumb when he was about 6 months then just stopped about 8 months... I thought it was kinda nice cuz I didn't have to give him a pacifier if he lost it he would just stick his thumb in. Whitney sucks her thumb to. I think it is cute.
    Miles is getting so big and he is suck a cutie

  4. haha! I love the pic! that's so cute....hey this is Hali and I finally made a blog so if u guys want to view it it's
