

Sweaters and family

I love my boys.

I love wrapping up in warm sweaters...and layering.  It's so cozy.

I love the colors of fall.

I love my family, even if we are small for now.
I love shoes, and colorful ones at that!


  1. Hi Andrae,
    I came to your blog from Jordan's (Dallas's son) through Geri's (Lucy's daughter). How fun to get a little glimpse of all these second cousins and their fun families. Your little guy is so cute. Your big guy is cute too and you are ever the cutie. I love your photos and the comment contests. I hope you don't mind if I give your blog a look every once in a while.
    Millie (your Mom's cousin)

  2. I love these pictures! Where were they taken at? What a fun family you guys are!

  3. Thanks Celeste. Believe it or not we took them on the way out to Tooele. Who knew?
