

Water Safety- Home Tips

My dear friend Tiffany posted her take on water safety in the home.
Click here to read her post.

Tiffany lost her sweet son Ollie to a drowning accident in the washing machine in her home.
(Please note how much I truly hate to use that word drowning...HATE IT!)
Tiffany is such a great mom and was letting Ollie help her do chores around the house.
After they were done loading the laundry and had moved on to other things, sweet Ollie added one more article of clothing to the load without Tiffany knowing.
Read her blog if you want more information.

Tiffany has amazing pointers to remember and be cautious of around the home.
More than anything I like how Tiffany says "I don't share this to scare you as a parent, just to bring more attention to it.  And remember in the end, all we can do is our best. I did my very best to keep Ollie safe. We thought our home was safe and he still left this earth in a very tragic way. Our best was our best."

Our best.... that truly is all we can ever do. 
Each one of us who have come together to share our experiences and lessons learned about water safety were and are continuing to do our best. 

I truly believe that God has a plan for each of us and as much as we want his plan to mold to ours, nothing can change his plan. Our sweet children were called home for a much higher calling in life. Yet their lives here can and hopefully will help empower others and save lives....even just one. 

Don't forget our Water Safety Printable either. Click here for the .pdf printable.


  1. Thank you Andrae. sending love to you xoxo

  2. Thanks for sharing and pointing out our best is our best!!! It's true. Hope you are settling in in your new home!
