

Day of Surprises

Today marks four months that we have lived (or better said, survived and tried to live)
without Miles with us in this mortal life.

We have been anticipating this day for awhile now.
For many reasons.
But one big reason was to go the doctor to have an ultrasound to check on the baby's health.
I have been a nervous reck about the health of this sweet baby.
Just because of all the stress and anxiety my body has been under the past four months.

Mark and I always go to the temple on the 15th of each month.
It's a great thing to do on a hard day.
We knew that today would be busy so we had to start the morning early.
We left the house at 6:15 AM for the 7:00 AM session.

I think I got a total of 2 hours sleep last night.
I've just been so nervous about this day actually being here.
With such little sleep I was worried that I would fall asleep during the session.
Nope wide awake today!
That is until I blacked out at the alter as the witness couple.
Interesting start to the day.

But we made it through the rest of the session, and it was wonderful.
I love going to the temple!!!!

Then it was off to the doctor's office.
But first our car needed gas and we need to do a quick clothing change.
Mark thought we should just change in the car....
Fine I thought, but not fun when you are pregnant.
But I suppose I could manage it.
So we pulled somewhere private.....we thought.

Then it was time for the employees of Costco to their day of work.
Needless to say I think some sweet lady got a good laugh from us as she was started her morning and walked right past my window.
I can only imagine the things she thought we going on in our car.

Okay, finally we are at the doctor's office.
My heart was pounding the entire time we were waiting.
Finally, it was our turn.

Things with the baby look great.
The baby is measuring right on for July, the heart looks great, the brain, the spine, all the organs.
Great news.
No best news of the day.
Then on to see what this miracle baby's gender is...........
Yep......we still don't know.
The baby was is such a tight ball and would not cooperate.
Maybe this baby is just modest.
Or maybe the Lord is giving me more time to really soak this miracle in.
I guess we will try again in another month.

I wonder what other fun things this day will bring.

But the best news is that everyone is healthy.


  1. So glad to hear that all is well with the little one. We miss you all so much, and I think of sweet Miles often. Hoping that miss Vivi is doing well. I miss her smile.
    Much love to you all!

  2. The day of Preslee's funeral we went to the temple bright and early. We too were the witness couple, which was horrid, I didn't black out, but I just fell over, from being super dizzy... It just reminded me of your experience. Since then, I try to walk in as late as possible, so they will pick a different witness couple :) Is that horrible?

    Glad everything looked good with your sweet baby!!

  3. Hooray for the healthy little one. Praying for you all.

  4. I am so glad to hear that everything is going well with new little baby! :)

  5. I knew this day was coming and that you would be going to the doctor and I was a little anxious to find out the gender, too! So, like you, we will just wait until the baby cooperates! SO HAPPY to hear that things are looking good and healthy! Have a wonderful weekend - we love you!

  6. Congratulations! I can't wait to hear the gender but so glad he/she is healthy.
