

Dear Miles- Happy 5th Birthday

Dear Miles,
Happy Birthday Buddy. I can't believe that this picture was taken a whole year ago. You look so handsome and very important in your birthday crown. Oh Miles, you are five now. Happy Birthday!! Today dad is making us '5' pancakes for you. You would have loved that!!! I would have put extra butter on them for you. I may have even let you lick the butter knife, you know because it's your birthday. You would be holding up five fingers not four.

We put the birthday banner and the hanging fans up for you. I loved seeing your eyes full of excitement when you would come down and see those up in the morning. I am always so giddy when I hang them up at night just thinking of how much you kids love waking up to those. It's worth the late night for sure!

We would get you ready for preschool, you know because you would have started a week ago.You would wear your favorite shirt, and look extra handsome in it today. I walk with you to school and we would talk about all the fun things this day would bring. We would talk about cakes of course, party hats, your favorite dinner request and presents. I wonder what you would want for your birthday. Would you still like Jake and the Neverland Pirates? Or would you be too old for that now? Are you really ever too old for pirates though? No way you would say!

I'm sure you would have put in your annual request to Aunt Amy for your BYU clothing request. I wonder what you would have asked for this year? She never did fail you did she! We are taking the girls today to the BYU Bookstore to get them something BYU to honor and remember you. I think this will become a tradition on your birthday. We may end up with lots of BYU things around here, all because of you. Who would have ever guessed? (By the way remember that super soft BYU blanket that Papa and Nana gave you for your birthday last year? Remember we took it to the resort with us, and you let Vivian sleep with it? Well your dad and I slept with it in the hosptial while you were there and Vivian has slept with it every night since. I even nap with it when I can squeeze one in. Clara has used it too. It's a coveted item around here! It's like wrapping a little bit of you around us when we use it.)

We hope you see all the balloons we release for you tonight. You always loved doing that. We will send messages of love up with each of them. I hope you get each one and feel the warmth of our love in your heart.

Oh Miles, this is so hard. This isn't suppose to be like this. You should be here with us. I should have snuggled you extra long this morning and told you how much I love you as I mugged all over you. I'm suppose to put you to bed tonight and tell you the story of the day you were born. You always loved that.

Miles, five years ago you came into our lives and completely changed us for the better. You brought a renewed life into our home along with so much laughter, delight and pure joy. Your allowed your dad and I to relive life again through a child's eye. Thank you, that's a magical thing. We love you and miss you more than words can even express. Happy Birthday Miles. We love you son!!!

1 comment:

  1. I wished Miles Happy Birthday from the place where his little body rests peacefully. I shed a few tears myself but felt a bit of comfort knowing that Gram and Gramp Furness were taking extra good care of him.
