

Sister Kitties

Lately Vivian and Clara like to pretend they are kitties.
They love it....sometimes after hours of being clawed and meowed at I don't especially love it.
But it's their thing right now.
And it keeps them entertained, so kitties it is. 
On this day last week one kitty rode the other.
They were cracking me up!
I seriously didn't even tell Clara to put her arm in the arm.
She's just naturally brave like that. 

They did this for almost an hour.
It was so fun to watch them having so much fun together.
I'm so glad I grabbed my camera and captured these moments!

Now for some reason this week they are fighting like cats and dogs. 
Not really sure what happened, but it's proving to be a long week of learning to share and speak nicely to one another. Oh the life.

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures! So beautiful! I can testify that sisters are the best and worst of friends!
