

Flip Side of the Coin

When I was a little girl I use to think there was someone out there living my life for each choice I made or didn't make. For instance, if I made a choice to do one thing there was someone living that life, but also someone else living my life as if I had made the other choice. Maybe a little deep and weird for a child, but that's me and that's how my childhood brain thought or fantasied anyway.

Well wouldn't you know that about a month or so after Miles passed away someone I didn't know made a comment on my blog. It was a comment that deeply impacted me. After doing a little research on her I found out her story. Her and I happen to know a common and incredible person who happened to help watch family members during each of our ordeals. After doing some research on the commentator I asked her to personally email me. We emailed daily for a couple weeks.

This commentator, Kate, and her son truly are the "Flip Side of the Coin" to our story with Miles. We instantly connected and have become the dearest of friends in the most unique way.

Just 10 days after Miles' accident and passing her son had a very similar accident as Miles'. Kate and I shared stories. Our son's accidents, situations and even our behaviors were almost identical. Our son's even shared some of the same doctors. She tells me many of the staff members at the hospital were perplexed and shaken to see two very similar accidents within 10 days of each other, and not during the swimming season. Not to mention seeing one boy pull through as her son did, and the other loss the battle as Miles did.

Kate and I have shared many emotions that only those that been through such a trial can relate to. We have also shared many feelings of fear, anxiety, frustration, concern and sometimes anger together. Early on in my healing process her sweet son shared very sacred feelings, emotions and experiences with her to share with me so that I may have a glimpse as to how Miles may have felt. This truly was such a gift her son gave me and my husband that we hold dear to our hearts and will cherish all our lives! I have yet to meet her sweet son, but I feel so connected to him and am so grateful to him for being brave enough to share such things with us.

Today Kate posted a very brave post about what she wish she would have said/known about water safety.  Click here to read. Everyone should read this! I found myself not only shouting out loud...YES to so many of her thoughts and comments, but her post echoes everything I feel deep within my soul.

Next month is Water Safety Month (click here for more info) and you will be hearing from a few incredible women, including the fabulous Kate, about water safety and our firsthand experiences. I can't wait to share, not because I'm excited to relive so many emotions, but excited to help spread the word and possibly help save even one individual.

But today I'm so happy to introduce you to Kate and her story of "The Flip Side of the Coin" to ours. I feel so blessed and honored to have found her and connected with her in my life!

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