

Falling Leaves

After Miles' funeral we found ourselves surrounded by tons of flowers and plants. Our house smelled like the most fragrant garden ever. It was beautiful. We gave many of the flowers and plants to others, but I kept one plant for ourselves. It is a rubber plant. Why that one? I don't know, I just liked it. So for the past two years I have watered it and loved it. It has moved with us and is doing very well. But it does the strangest thing. It seems whenever we are up against hard anniversaries or special occasions without Miles it losses a leaf out of the blue. I will walk past and find one leaf laying next to the pot.

Well within the last couple weeks, maybe month, the plant has lost multiple leaves. It's like it knows my heart and understands what is going on. It's sort of funny. I look at those lost leaves as though the plant is weeping, just like my heart for my son.Yet the plant continues to grow strong, big and beautiful just like we are. I can never get rid of that plant! We seem to bonded somehow.

Here's to holding on the next couple days as Monday marks two years since Miles' accident and Wednesday is two years that he left this mortal world for much better ones. These are tender days for sure! My mind and heart are racing and tender to say the least. I just can't believe it has been two years. I can't believe it.


  1. Can it be 2 years!? Every time I have thought about this month and Miles I think "has it been a year already? NO TWO!!!" Hang in there dear friend!! XOXO

  2. Thinking about you and your family this week. Thanks for always sharing!
